Gipsy Pigs, The Pigswana Orchestra
(Le Havre, France)
Since 1998, The Gipsy Pigs , who are the sole and official marching band of the Pigswana (known worldwide as The Pigswana Orchestra ), have contributed to the well-being of humanity, and indeed the galaxy. Children, men, women and old people acclaim them at each show, admiring the generosity and talent of this spirited team. The genius of their compositions - all original - their frenetic enthusiasm and their distinguished kindness, should earn them soon, and for sure, to be the first street orchestra to be listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
- Les Fêtes du Grand Là-Bas (new creation)
Following the dramatic putsch of 1998, the Pigswana Orchestra is today an orchestra in exile crisscrossing the world to present its brilliant traditions rich in frenetic music, polyphonic songs and colorful dances!
Presenting with fanfare all the calendar festivals of Pigswana, they will share with us even more viscerally all the wonders and absurdities of their little-known culture anywhere at the corner of the street, on the neighbor's balcony, on the village square whatever provided let's get drunk!
- Sans Groin ni Trompette / Without Snout Nor Trumpet
No need to introduce it, as word-of-mouth has magnified this show full of love and friendliness, amazing music and thrilling dances.
- Gipsy Rennes De Noel / Gipsy Christmas Reindeer
Christmas classics are revisited with a touch of Pigswana style… an essential show to warm the mood when the winter is chilly!
Artists / performers: Jean-Louis Cipres, Laurent Mortain, Thomas Sirou, Jérémy Lebrun, Gilles Fortin, Evrard Moreau, Laurent Gruau, Thierry Vigne
Format: Music Street show - Street parade - Acoustic
Artistic team: 6 or 8 musicians
Standard duration: 1 hour 30 min. divided into 2 or 3 shows